
We have technology, finally, that for the first time in human history allows people to really maintain rich connections with much larger numbers of people.

– Pierre Omidyar

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Can Blockchain save The Internet-of-Things (IoT)?

With the rise of smart home systems and smart devices, it is safe to say that there would be at least one IoT device in each of our households in the near future. According to Business Insider, there were 10 billion IoT devices in 2018 and is expected to rise to 64 billion by 2026.…

GoPro: Telling a story

Everyone has heard about GoPro and what they do; action cameras. Many of us would not know of any other brands that product action cameras, so what makes GoPro stand out from all other cameras? Content Marketing Most notably, User-Generated Content User-generated content (UGC) is the heart of GoPro’s overall marketing strategy and digital marketing…

Sephora just made the best out of its influencer marketing

In 2019, Sephora announced the #SephoraSquad program in an effort to diversify its advertising efforts. Although Sephora has worked with many influencers through events and campaigns, the aim of the #SephoraSquad program was different. It was to scout for “unique, unfiltered, sorry-not-sorry storytellers with a diverse range of followers, points of view, and interests”. The…